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What's the Difference Between All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day?

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All Saints' Day on November 1st and All Souls' Day on November 2nd are related Christian holidays that share some similarities but have distinct differences as well. While both days honor the dead in some way, their historical origins and theological focuses show how each holiday serves a unique purpose.

When Are All Saints' and All Souls' Days?

All Saints' Day is celebrated annually on November 1st. This day honors all saints and martyrs throughout Christian history, known and unknown. It is a time to remember all men and women who lived and died serving Christ.

All Souls' Day always falls on November 2nd. It specifically commemorates all faithful Christians who have passed away. The focus is on praying for the souls of deceased loved ones.

All Souls' AND All Saints Calendar Dates

Origins and Meanings Behind Each Holiday

The origins of All Saints' Day date back to the 4th century AD. It was first celebrated on May 13th to honor Christian martyrs. By the 9th century, the date had moved to November 1st, around the time of the Celtic festival Samhain and Germanic Winter Nights. As Christianity spread, All Saints' Day came to include all saints, known and unknown, who were believed to have attained heaven.

All Souls' Day emerged later, around the 11th century. It began as a specific day to pray for souls in purgatory, based on Catholic teachings that souls must undergo purification before entering heaven. While All Saints' celebrates saints already in heaven, All Souls' prays for souls still striving toward perfection.

Traditions and Celebrations

Given their different purposes, All Saints' and All Souls' have some unique traditions:

  • All Saints' Day is celebrated joyfully with family meals, attending mass, visiting cemeteries to decorate graves, and telling stories of saints and ancestors. The tone is triumphant and focused on heaven.
  • All Souls' Day has a more solemn tone focused on prayer and remembrance. Catholics attend All Souls' Day mass and offer prayers for the dead, especially loved ones believed to be suffering in purgatory.
  • In Mexico, All Souls' Day is called Día de los Muertos. Families build colorful altars stacked with flowers, food, and belongings of those who have passed away. The mood is festive and celebratory.

The Key Theological Distinction

The main theological difference between the two holidays within Catholicism has to do with the state of souls:

  • All Saints' celebrates saints who the Church believes are fully united with God in heaven. This includes both formally canonized saints and unknown Christians who followed Christ.
  • All Souls' focuses on souls in purgatory who are still working to atone for sins and complete the purification needed before entering heaven. Prayers by the living are believed to help these souls reach heaven faster.

While All Saints' rejoices in those already saved, All Souls' offers hope for those still striving. Both look toward the perfection and unity of heaven as the ultimate goal.


Although All Saints' and All Souls' share a connection in commemorating the dead, their specific purposes differ. All Saints' triumphantly celebrates the holy men and women in heaven who lived virtuous lives serving Christ. All Souls' solemnly prays for souls still undergoing purgation before attaining paradise.

These November holidays remind us that Christians on earth are united with those in heaven and purgatory in one Body of Christ. As we honor the saints and remember departed loved ones, we look forward to the day when all faithful souls reunite in God's presence.

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About the Author: Tom Vincent

Tom Vincent graduated with a bachelor's degree in economics and social studies. He then started his higher education at the University of François Rabelais in Tours with a DUT Information Communication. To expand his knowledge, he also followed a professional degree in e-commerce and digital marketing at the Lumière University of Lyon. On this project, he is in charge of articles covering language, industry and social.
All Posts Written By Tom Vincent

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