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Difference Between Emmys and Oscars

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The main difference between Emmys and Oscars is that Oscars are presented yearly for excellence in the film industry, while Emmys are granted throughout the year for a fine performance in the television industry. The main thing is that both are awarded for excellent performances in television and film.

Several awards shows are organized to reward persons working in the cinema world. All of these awards are awarded to members of the cinema business. As a result, some people are frequently confused by the distinctions between these awards.

What are the Emmy Awards?

emmys awards

The Emmy Awards are the world's most prestigious and valuable performance-based awards presented to recognize achievement in the television industry. These are world-famous awards similar to other specific awards, such as the Tony Award for theater, the Academy Award for film, and the Grammy Award for music.

Although these awards are solely presented to outstanding performers in the American television business, they are recognized internationally due to their historical heritage and merit-based publicity. These awards are produced and regulated by three distinct organizations: the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, the International Academy of Television Arts Sciences, and the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences.

The inaugural Emmy Awards were given out on January 25, 1949. The Emmy Awards are separated into phases, each with its own categories. The Primetime Emmy and Daytime Emmy are the two primary phases that cover television's creative arts and drama series.

What is the Oscars?

oscars academy

The Oscars is a recognition award awarded to outstanding performers in the film industry. The awards are divided into twenty-four technical and artistic categories. Even though it contains a large percentage of the American Film Industry (Hollywood), the greatest work in film from around the globe is evaluated and praised.

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences gives these awards yearly. Oscars are regarded as the world's most valuable and prestigious awards since they are the oldest and have a long and exquisite history. Winning an Oscar is regarded as a greater acknowledgment of talent since it is the most prestigious Hollywood event.

The inaugural Academy Award was awarded on May 16, 1929, and the first official live broadcast of the awards aired on the radio in 1930. The awards were shown on television for the first time in 1953. Currently, these awards are televised live and can be watched in over 200 countries across the globe.

Differences Between Emmys and Oscars

Timing of Awards Events

Every year, Oscars fever begins in the first month of the year. Every January, it's typical to see individuals reviewing the previous year's activities in the film business, speculating on what sort of film, actor, or actress merits the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. The Oscars nomination is normally announced around the end of the year's first month, followed by the main event.

Because the Emmys have multiple sister organizations that distribute Emmys statuettes to recognize exceptional performance in other areas of the television business, Emmy Awards are historically given out at several yearly ceremonies held throughout the year. The most popular Emmys ceremonies, such as Primetime Emmy Awards and Daytime Emmy Awards, are usually held in mid-September, May, or June.


The Oscars statuette, presented annually since 1929, is a 13.5-inch-tall nude man weighing 8.5 pounds. The Oscars statuette is made of excellent bronze with a 24-carat gold overlay. The statuette is a knight standing atop a film reel and carrying a crusader's sword.

Meanwhile, Emmy's statuette depicts a lady with wings holding an atom. Louis McManus, a television engineer, devised the statuette, today renowned as the symbol of the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences' celebration of achievement.


The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences manages and organizes Oscars Awards, while ATAS, NATAS, and IATAS oversee Emmy awards.

Field of Work

An Oscar acknowledges the distinction of professionals in the film business, while an Emmy honors the brilliance of professionals in the television industry.


The Oscars award was given for the first time in 1929, while the Emmy award was given for the first time in 1949.

Comparison Chart: Emmys Vs Oscars

Awarded ForExcellence in Television IndustryExcellence in Cinematic successes
CountryUnited StatesUnited States
RecognitionTelevision IndustryFilm
First AwardedJanuary 25, 1949May 16, 1929
VotingThe academies of arts and science votesVoted by the members of the committee
Given ByATAS, NATAS, IATASAcademy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences


Are Oscars More Important Than Emmys?

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences presents the Oscars, one of the most prominent award events in the world, each year. The Emmy Awards are similarly well-known, but they are given to outstanding performers, shows, and series in the television business. From this, we can say that the Oscars are more important than the Emmys.

Who Has the Most Emmys?

Julia Louis Dreyfus has won the most Emmy Awards, with 11 wins and 26 nominations. Dreyfus was nominated for several Emmys for her performance of Elaine in the classic 1990s sitcom "Seinfeld," and she won an Emmy for the character in 1996. She got an Emmy for "The New Adventures of Old Christine" in 2006, but "Veep" is where she earned the most of her Emmy. She received nine Emmys for "Veep" and was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2014.

What Does Emmy Stand For? 

The name "Emmy" truly does not stand for anything and refers to the award itself. The name was suggested by Harry Lubcke, the third Academy President. According to the Emmy Awards website, he proposed the name "immy," inspired by the image orthicon camera nickname. That name stuck; however, it was eventually changed to "Emmy."


There are several award ceremonies conducted in honor of the cinema business. The most well-known are the Golden Globes, Oscars, and Emmys. These award events are tied to the senior industry but vary greatly. For example, when comparing Emmys with Oscars, the distinction is that Emmys are for excellence in television. Oscars are for amazing performance and quality in film.

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About the Author: Nicolas Seignette

Nicolas Seignette, who holds a scientific baccalaureate, began his studies in mathematics and computer science applied to human and social sciences (MIASHS). He then continued his university studies with a DEUST WMI (Webmaster and Internet professions) at the University of Limoges before finishing his course with a professional license specialized in the IT professions. On 10Differences, he is in charge of the research and the writing of the articles concerning technology, sciences and mathematics.
All Posts Written By Nicolas Seignette

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