What difference is there between hypertext and intertext? This blog post will explore the difference between these two terms. Hypertext is the text that contains links to other texts, whereas intertext is a text which can be understood in context with other texts without the need for additional links.
What is a Hypertext?
Hypertext is used to define a text that is interactive and can be accessed by clicking on hyperlinks. Hypertext has link references that are connected to another piece of text. It is widely used in blogs as a medium to connect to other articles on the same website or external websites.
What is an Intertext?
An intertext, unlike the former, refers to any references made between texts like books or movies, etc. These are all interconnected through these references which may either be implicit ( hidden ) or explicit ( clear ). It also makes use of quotations from other works for contextualization purposes. Most often than not, it's used as subtexts within another work. The connection between these pieces gives readers insight into what the writer/author wants to say. It also provides different perspectives on certain topics or statements made about it.
Key differences between Hypertext and Intertext
Difference in context
The main difference between hypertext and intertext is that hypertext is the linking of content on one website to another, while intertext references are not generally visible. Hyperlinks can be used as a way for readers to navigate from article to article within a given site or link over multiple sites together. The term "hypertext" was first coined by Ted Nelson in 1965, but its use has increased exponentially since then. Most major search engines allow their users to search using the keywords found within the hyperlinked text rather than just those words themselves, making it easier for people to find exactly what they're looking for online.
Intertextuality refers specifically to references made from one piece of writing/fiction/film etcetera into another - usually referencing other pieces of media that audiences are already familiar with. The term "intertextuality" was coined by Julia Kristeva in 1966 and has since become a large part of literary theory, film studies etcetera.
Intertextual references can be found throughout all forms of art - whether directly or indirectly referencing other works; the main purpose is to make connections between different texts for an audience who will generally understand these connections better than those unfamiliar with them (the indirectness making it harder for people outside the intended audience to find). Intertextuality allows writers/filmmakers etcetera to comment on their work through creating links back into previous pieces they have created as well as showcase themes relevant then without explicitly stating said themes themselves.
Difference in usage
Hypertext is the type of text that readers can go through quickly. It is easy to navigate and helps users get an idea about what the article or page might be talking about without reading everything else in detail. They link to another useful resource that can be used to get in-depth information about the topic.
Intertext on the other hand is more complex since there's no linking involved. Instead, you have to read each line thoroughly because they're long sentences that contain important information that the writer has included as a reference for its readers.
Online/Offline usage
Hypertext is more popularly used on blogs as they provide the flexibility of linking to another useful resource on the internet. On the other hand, intertext is used in academic papers and books which are printed on paper.
Hypertext links to another useful resource that can be used for getting more information from its users. On the contrary, intertext doesn't link to anything but explains a topic in detail with examples that help readers understand what they mean. This type of text is mainly found in printed materials such as textbooks or research articles while hypertexts are mostly present online through blogs where you often see them linked together with numbers or bullet points.
Similarities between the two
The main similarity between both is the fact they both are used to help expand a topic or idea. Even though the method they choose is a bit different the purpose is the same. That is to provide extra valuable info to its readers so that they can better understand what they are trying to say.
What are some of the examples of Hypertext?
Hypertext can be anything that is linked. It could include URLs, website links, or even hashtags (e.g., #hypertext). An example could be any blog you see on a search query that has a link included on any targeted word they have chosen. that link would then link to another article that elaborates or expands on the already given information.
What are some of the examples of an Intertext?
An inter-text refers to any existing texts which influence our work, such as other literature and films, etc. They might inspire or influence your work. Like a book that has a quote from some, another book included helping readers to understand or elaborate a topic it is talking about.
The concept of "hypertext" is what you're used to on your computer, tablet, or phone. When you click a link that opens up another page with more information about whatever subject matter was just referenced. Hypertext takes time for us because we have to go back and forth from one site/page to the next to make sense of all the data provided.
Intertextuality refers to how texts are woven together through different mediums (e-books, novels). So it doesn't take as long for readers because they can access all their desired content within one setting without having too much effort expended by themself. Understanding these differences will help you be more aware when reading blogs posts or will also help if you're planning to write a thesis or a project where you may need to better apply these textual linking styles.